Jakob was diagnosed with B-Cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia just three weeks before his second birthday.
Jakob’s mum Michelle shared that she will never forget the knock on her front door at 7:30pm at night.
“It was Jakob’s GP standing there to deliver the news in person. ‘Go straight to the Women’s and Children’s Hospital ER Department’ he instructed. Heart in mouths, we quickly packed a bag and entered a whole new world.”
After Jakob’s initial diagnosis, he received almost three and a half years of treatment.
Then just one year later, he relapsed.
A decision was made to undergo a stem cell transplant which was undertaken at Sydney Children’s Hospital.
Unfortunately, Jakob experienced a lot of complications during his transplant.
“They tell you to plan for 100 days in the hospital. For Jakob, it was 185 days,” Michelle remembers.
By the time Jakob was 7 years of age, he had spent over 5 years living in a hospital.

Jakob’s story is one of more than 400 stories of the families Childhood Cancer Association is currently supporting throughout their cancer experience.
Donate to support families like Jakob's today
Michelle found out about the Childhood Cancer Association the very first week in hospital after Jakob’s first diagnosis, when they were visited in the ward and gifted with a hospital support pack.
Michelle and her family accessed many of the 30 different services provided by Childhood Cancer Association, starting with counselling for their family, and extending to respite accommodation and education support so that Jakob could keep up with his school level.
As Michelle puts it, “Having an organisation dedicated solely to children with cancer is invaluable. It’s heart warming to know that they are there for families when it’s needed the most, fostering an environment of love and support.”
There is no other organisation in Australia who offers this range of ongoing support services that benefit the entire family impacted by a childhood cancer diagnosis.
We are relying on your generosity with a gift this Christmas to ensure the hundreds of families supported by Childhood Cancer Association can continue to receive the highest standard of care across the entire cancer experience—from the time of diagnosis, throughout treatment and into life after cancer treatment, or grief and loss.

Your donation ensures children with cancer and their families, receive the vital services they need to help them through the most difficult time in their lives. Thank you.
Making a one-off or regular monthly donation online is quick, easy and secure. If you prefer to donate over the phone, please call (08) 8239 1444.
All donations over $2 are tax-deductible.