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Every day, someone just like you is helping us raise the vital funds that we need to help make the cancer journey easier for children, and their families.

Find out more about what’s happening, and our latest news, here — let us know if it inspires you or your business to get involved.

Play for Purpose Charity Lottery P4 P G24 800x550

Win $250,000 in cash and prizes and help kids with cancer by buying tickets in the Play for Purpose charity lottery.

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Tribute Ride for Tyson The Mail Run 800x550

Monday 2 - Thursday 12 Sept, 2024

The Tribute Ride for Tyson is a fundraiser in memory of a young boy named Tyson who sadly lost his battle with cancer. To commemorate what would have been his 18th birthday, his Dad and his mates are riding across Australia from Perth to the Gold Coast on postie bikes.

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Paediatric Oncology Parent & Family Evening Paediatric Oncology Parent Family Evening 800x550

Wednesday 31 July, 2024

ANZCHOG warmly invites parents and carers of children treated for cancer to the Parent and Family Evening at this year’s Annual Scientific Meeting.

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Gold Ribbon Gala 2024 GRG 2024 Web Article 800x550

Saturday 10 Aug, 2024

Join us for a fantastic night out at the Gold Ribbon Gala's Winter Wonderland on Saturday 10th August with proceeds supporting children with cancer and their families.

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Childhood Cancer Awareness Month CCAM Website Banner Image 800x550

Sunday 1 - Monday 30 Sept, 2024

Get involved this September for international Childhood Cancer Awareness Month. There are many ways you, your business or school can help. Read our TOP FIVE ideas...

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