Because we don’t receive government funding, we must rely on donations to ensure our team can be confident that we’ll be able to deliver support to children with cancer, no matter what.
“ Making regular contributions is a way to pay it forward and support those who receive a devastating cancer diagnosis. ”
Pepper Mickan, Childhood Champion
1 family with professional counselling
delivered by our trained counsellors who listen and support all family members when needed, or
4 hours of home tutoring
to help school aged children keep up while undergoing treatment for cancer, or
8 nights of accommodation for a family forced to move to Adelaide for their child’s treatment, or
3 children with group counselling support through the SIBS program – a support group for brothers and sisters of children with cancer.
“ Embrace the opportunity to give. The act of giving is profoundly rewarding and regular donations—no matter the size, adds up to significant aid over time, offering more than just financial help—it offers hope and stability to those in dire need. ”
Brendon Hore, Childhood Champion
Planning is vital for every organisation. For the Childhood Cancer Association, regular donations mean our team can be more confident that we can continue to deliver this vital support.
The Childhood Champions community is designed for generous people like you to give a gift of your choice every month; providing ongoing support to children and their families going through the battle of cancer.
Join today and support them through this battle.