

Leaving a gift in your Will
will help kids with cancer.

The Childhood Cancer Association provides practical, hands-on support to kids with cancer, and their families.

Because while families can rely on outstanding medical treatment, the critical support services they need aren’t provided by either state or federal government.

With no government funding, the continuation of our support relies 100% on the generosity and philanthropy of our supporters.

How your gift will make a difference

Leaving a gift in your Will is an extraordinary act of generosity and a way to make a real difference beyond your lifetime. It will have a significant impact on the work we do, helping fund our counsellors and allow us to continue the many vital support services we provide to kids with cancer.

“ I was motivated by the desire to make a lasting impact. My legacy gift will provide a significant contribution that might be more challenging to give during my lifetime. ”

Brendon Hore, Childhood Champion

Read more

How to leave a gift in your Will

Leaving a gift to the Childhood Cancer Association is a powerful way to leave a lasting legacy.

The simplest and most common way is to leave a fixed amount of money from your estate to the Childhood Cancer Association.

If you are planning to remember the Childhood Cancer Association in your Will you should discuss this with your solicitor who can assist with the preparation of your Will and ensure your wishes are met.

If you already have a Will

Your Will can easily be amended to include a gift to the Childhood Cancer Association. Your solicitor can advise you on the best way to do this.

For Solicitors

We’ve put together example bequest wording for you as a guide — please download here.

Exclusive Offer:
50% off your online Will with Safewill

Safewill is Australia's leading digital estate planning platform. Every Will written is reviewed by a practicing Australian solicitor. You can receive an exclusive 50% off the cost of an online Will by visiting our Safewill page.

Thank you

Thank you for considering a gift to the Childhood Cancer Association in your Will. We understand what a significant decision this can be and we sincerely appreciate your support.

Please know that any information you provide us is simply a statement of your current intentions and is in no way legally binding and will be kept in the strictest confidence.

Bequest Enquiries

If you’d like more information about how to make a bequest or leave a gift to us in your Will, please contact us via the form below.

If you have already included us in your Will we would like to thank you personally for your generosity. By informing us of your plans you’ll become part of a special group of supporters who receive invitations to special events, and personal updates. You can do so by using the below form.

Alternatively, you can get in contact with our CEO Cath O’Loughlin on (08) 8239 1444 or send Cath an email at

Cath will be happy to answer your questions and tell you more about the important work we do at the Childhood Cancer Association.

Watch Thomas's Story

Watch this 5 minute film where Chris Hartley talks through his family’s journey after his son's diagnosis of a brain tumour and the support he received from the Childhood Cancer Association.

View film

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