Fundraising through your school gives students the opportunity to have a direct impact on the lives of local children who, unlike themselves, are currently not well enough to attend school.
We just love working with schools, primary or secondary, and even kindergartens and playgroups to make a difference in the local community.
Students get such a sense of achievement when they know their hard work is supporting other kids, just like them.
There are no limits as to what you can do to fundraise at your school to support children with cancer, and their families.
We have listed some of our favourites below - although we challenge you to use your imagination, get creative, make it fun and, together, make a big difference!
One of the easiest ways to raise money is to Give Gold. Think of the number of students at your school and then double it! Asking for $2 from every student can turn into a BIG total. Link it with a fun casual day, odd sock day, lunchtime disco or special event. Watch the video.
We'll send you a pack with everything you need to create a mural of 'High Five' hand prints in your classroom, gym or school office. Challenge each classroom to give a virtual 'high five' for every $5 donated. Get crafty by tracing and decorating your own hands for an added personal touch!
Are you ready for a wild and wacky day of hair-raising fun? Colour or style your hair for kids with cancer. Create posters and have a competition to judge the most creative looks. A fun-filled day that will have you laughing and making a difference at the same time! Watch the video.
Make an impact by Wearing GOLD - which is the international colour for childhood cancer awareness. We have gold shoelaces, gold ribbon earrings, scrunchies, lapel pins, wristbands and yellow awareness ribbons available. Visit our store.
Get the whole school involved by asking for donations to support kids with cancer. Make it your aim to fill our donation tins. Whether it's for one term or the whole year, together your loose change will change the life of a child who is unable to attend school while having cancer treatment. Read more.
Time to be courageous, make a difference and Be GOLD. Create your own event, like a quiz night, sporting contest or physical challenge, or be brave with a bold haircut or even shave your head.
Holding a market stall or bake sale is a great way to learn about what is takes to run a small business. Start by writing a business plan, set a budget, then plan a promotional campaign and see how much money you can raise. Learn more about Sam's Popcorn's fundraising business.
Raise funds by selling our bright gifts and merchandise. Your sports team will love to 'shine bright' in our glitter gold shoelaces - or wear them at your school sports day or fun run. By selling gold ribbons in September you'll also be supporting Childhood Cancer Awareness Month. Visit our store.
From superheroes to everyday heroes, show your support for children fighting cancer, by dressing up as your favourite hero for a gold coin donation. Think outside the square and get creative with your costumes and award prizes as part of the day.
Whether it is a fun run, dance-off or laps of the pool, these are all great ways to fundraise for us while promoting an active lifestyle. Choose your distances or milestones, have prizes for the highest fundraiser and most creative to create a fun event. Or sign your school up to join our team in the annual City-Bay Fun Run.
Please keep in touch! We love to see the creativity and enthusiasm that comes from students and to share that with others. If you choose to promote your fundraising on social media, remember to tag us @childhoodcancr.
For more information, please contact the Fundraising Team on (08) 8239 1444 or via the Contact Us page.