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SIBS holiday activity packs

Sibs Superhero 800X550

Throughout the COVID-19 crisis, we remain dedicated to providing practical support for children with cancer and their families.

A great example of how we have adapted our service delivery is the Super Important Brothers & Sisters (SIBS) group counselling support program.

April SIBS pack

This April, unable to meet face-to-face as a group the Family Services team decided to create a SIBS holiday activity pack (pictured above).

Each family registered with the 2020 SIBS program received a pack with a journal, activities and specially designed worksheets which help address various issues common to siblings in a fun way, such as learning skills and strategies to manage big emotions and coping with change.

Children were asked to complete various activities in their journal to unlock a secret code to help them open their Superhero Mystery pack. This pack included items to help them develop their own superhero kit including a mask to decorate, stickers and a temporary tattoo.

The pack also contained information for the parents, so they can see what their child has learnt, initiate conversations about how their child is going and assist them in utilising these tools when the need arises.

July SIBS pack

With our siblings support group still unable to meet face to face due to COVID-19 restrictions, the Super Important Brothers and Sisters were sent another superhero challenge during the July school holidays.

Our SIBS received a special pack in the mail containing more activities and journal pages which form part of a tool kit to assist them when big emotions arise. Upon completing the activities, the children were able to unlock a secret code to help open their second Superhero Mystery Pack.

Also inside the pack were the materials to make a cape and some other fun activities, as they continue developing their superhero costume/identity.

September SIBS pack

During the September/October school holidays, SIBS members received another superhero pack. It included various games and activities to continue what the children have been learning, including strategies to assist the children manage when big emotions arise.

The children undertook some challenges in order to unlock their Superhero Mystery Pack, which included materials to complete their very own superhero costume/identity.

Members also received an activity book with different games and activities they could do with their family.

December SIBS pack

We finished the SIBS year, with a celebration of the children’s achievement and what they have learnt throughout the year. SIBS members received their final pack for year. The pack included a Superhero board game to play with the family and a superhero manual, both of which gave the children an opportunity to remember all they have learnt and practice their new ‘superpowers’. Upon completion of the challenges, the children were able to unlock their final Superhero Mystery Pack containing fun items to celebrate the year including their own Superhero Licence.

We also sadly said farewell to several members who have graduated from the group. These members received a small graduation pack.

Remaining in contact with families who need vital support during this uncertain time remains an absolute priority for us.

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