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Every day, someone just like you is helping us raise the vital funds that we need to help make the cancer journey easier for children, and their families.

Find out more about what’s happening, and our latest news, here — let us know if it inspires you or your business to get involved.

A surprise for Mannat Painting for Mannat 800x550

Friday 3 Dec, 2021

8-year-old Mannat was surprised with a stunning artwork by Mark Lobert and Phil Hodgson of her and her beloved Elliot. All thanks to Mix102.3 for organising this treasured gift.

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Playgroup Award Playgroup Award 800x550

Congratulations to Anna Perry and Rita Lim, who, as the facilitators of our Early Intervention Oncology Playgroup, were recognised with the 2021 Children’s Week Play Award.

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Travis Boak receives Jim Stynes Community Leadership Award Boak Leadership Award 800x550 1

Childhood Cancer Ambassador Travis Boak has been awarded the Jim Stynes Community Leadership Award at the 2021 Brownlow Medal for his 11+ years of work supporting children with cancer, and their families.

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Recognising our Supporters 800 X550

Childhood Cancer Association volunteers, supporters and partners were hosted at a reception at Government House, to thank them for their ongoing support and dedication to children with cancer, and their families.

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Gold Ribbon Gala highlights Website banner 800x550

Oh what a night! Together, we raised an amazing $382,313 at the inaugural Gold Ribbon Gala which means we can continue to have a positive impact on the mental health and well-being of families impacted by childhood cancer.

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