Helping Hands

Our main focus is to provide hands-on support for children with cancer, and their families.

The support we provide costs money, but these aren’t our only expenses; we also have to fund our operating costs. By finding other sources of these good and services, more of the dollars that we raise can be spent on the children and families who most need our help.

That’s where the Childhood Cancer Association’s Helping Hands group comes in.

Helping Hands is a group of like-minded business people who work together to help us to fundraise and to source what we need to keep running — which all means more money for our core service.

They’re a great bunch of people who meet every quarter to share ideas and network — and they’re always happy to hear from business people who wish to join.

Could you be a Helping Hand?

  1. Do you want to support the Association to help make a real and meaningful difference in your local community?
  2. Do you run a small to medium sized business, or are you an executive in a larger business?
  3. Do you have an extensive network of contacts?
  4. Are you willing to engage your network to help support our work?

If this sounds like you, you can be part of an amazing and unique business group who collectively makes a meaningful difference to the lives of children with cancer, and their families, right here in SA.

Expressions of interest

To express your interest or to discuss this further, please email Cath O'Loughlin or phone (08) 8239 1444.

Let's stay in touch