Meet Carly Ascott

In 2012, Carly Ascott asked her family and friends to donate to the Childhood Cancer Association in lieu of presents for her son Sebastian’s 1st birthday, which raised an impressive $2,050. This began her family’s connection with us.

“Our family continues to support the Childhood Cancer Association because it is deeply rewarding to know that our regular donation will help families cope with the devastating diagnosis of cancer,” Carly says.

“We also feel it is so important to teach our children the importance of regular giving to other children in need. It reminds our children to be grateful for their health as we encourage them to develop giving as part of their own wellbeing."

"It improves your self-worth, knowing you are helping families when they are vulnerable and need the help the most."

“Today’s society commits to excessive amounts of monthly subscriptions - Netflix, Spotify, etc. It’s an automated spending mindset and we encourage you to think how an automated donation can change your mindset around giving."

"Giving to the Childhood Cancer Association is our monthly subscription to assist SA based families through the most challenging of circumstances.”

Carly Ascott, Childhood Champion

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Carly with her son Sebastian

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